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This is a saying in our language used to indicate the decline or fall from grace of a person (a great personality) or group who used to be very successful and important. Like so many of our sayings it comes from the Bible (2nd Samuel 1. Verses 25-27) It is said by David when he laments on learning of the deaths of Saul and Jonathan. Today it is often applied humorously or sarcastically to everyday situations.
The news at present filling all our newspapers and TV screens concerns the scandal of an ITV presenter of a TV programme and his affair with a younger colleague. Looking back over my lifetime of admiration for TV and movie stars, he is not the only celebrity to have fallen from grace. We all know of the horrendous behaviour of Jimmy Saville but what about people like Bill Cosby? How I loved The Cosby Show and looked forward to watching it every week. He was then a revered comedian who played a father figure. His career ended when he was accused by dozens of women of rape and sexual misconduct. This also happened to Rolf Harris. Who can forget “Tie me kangaroo down sport” and Two little boys” which were two very popular songs he sang and he ended up in prison as a convicted paedophile. All of these people and others like them ended with their career in ruins, were stripped of their honours but they also let down their numerous fans and those who had looked up to them with respect and admiration. It is the families of these people I pity most. Their parents must have been so proud of them and what has been the effect on their spouses, children and friends?
A medium told me once in a private reading that I put “people on a pedestal” and when they fell off it I had difficulty trusting people again. This is true not just for me alone but for others who became similarly disillusioned with their former idols. One of my favourite Bible verses is “To whom much is given, much is required.”[Luke 12:48]. If you have been given a gift or talent from God (remember the parable of the Talents?) then it is up to you to use that gift to benefit others in the world. Sadly many show business personalities misuse their gift and lose it to drugs and drink.
As a Spiritualist I know that we all have to face a review of our life when we enter the next world. Many of those with their career in ruins think that suicide is the answer. Do they not realise that they cannot die? There is no such thing as death as we simply walk out of our body in this world and walk into the next world and there you will have to face up to the same situation you thought you were escaping from. God’s word tells us over and over again “What ye sow ye must surely reap.” My Spiritualist beliefs tell me that what I have done wrong I must try and put it right and make amends. Where oh where is the voice of the church in this situation? Their constant reiteration of “Jesus died for your sins” is not going to help the state of the world today. It is well-known that the R.C. Church covers up the sins of their paedophile Priests but what about the other Christian Churches? Have they no voice or words to say about those who do not seem to know right from wrong?
However help is available from the next world. The God I love and worship is forgiving. The next world is filled with Spirit Guides, Helpers and Teachers to aid us in trying to make amends for the wrongs we have committed. There are no flames of Hell into which we will be cast! The latest celebrity to fall from grace seems to be genuinely filled with remorse for his actions. What can he do to redeem himself somewhat in the eyes of the public? Years ago there was a very big political scandal so bad that it brought down the Conservative government. The politician responsible of course lost his seat in Parliament and his career was in tatters. In an attempt to reconcile himself in the eyes of the public he turned his attention to charitable works and today he is remembered for this which in some respect has offset his disgrace. Perhaps our latest victim of scandalous behaviour could do the same. I doubt if any children’s or young people’s charity would want him but what about our animal charities? Who has not seen the horrific pictures of wild animals kept in cages for tourists to photograph, baby animals ripped from their mothers arms, baby elephants, monkeys, chimpanzees trained to entertain tourists. Bears captured and kept in cages for their bile to be used as a medicine. Tigers and lions slowly going mad because of their imprisonment in cages. Then there are the little donkeys with heavy loads of bricks making their backs sore and in need of vets. I would suggest to our suicidal celebrity that he throw himself into such work and travel the world to rescue such animals and get them into animal sanctuaries. Perhaps David Attenborough could be of help. I feel that working with animals would be a healing process for him.
Another thing he could do to alleviate his guilt is to spend some of the wealth he must have accumulated in his life time, in arranging medical treatment for those children we see on our TV screens who were born with clefts, the children going blind because of fly infections, the children dying because the only water they have to drink is unclean.
I don’t know what religious beliefs our celebrity has but I believe that there is only one God for all of us and He is the only one who can help us.
He cannot fail for He is God
He cannot fail He pledged His Word.
He cannot fail He'll see you through.
He cannot fail He'll answer you.
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