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Dear friends,
Blessings be upon you.
We ask that you take a few moments to sit with yourselves. Perhaps you could spare a few moments to really find your inner peace.
To drop into your inner heart space where your essence is shining
Imagine a ray of light entering your crown and travelling down behind your eyes. As it travels down slowly through your body it shimmers gently with pulsating light. It is so gentle yet has the ability to clear blockages and transform them into clear healthy spaces.
Every time it comes to a cluster of cells that are stagnant it becomes brighter with renewed energy and clears the space.
It slowly travels throughout your body in this way allowing peace and tranquility to surround your whole being.
The power of this light is immense yet so gentle as to cause no harm or ill-effect to you. It is gods light. It is the most healing light that you can hold. It comes as a gift for those of you who are struggling It comes purely to heal.
Each day when you are blessed to face another day on earth please take a moment before you start your daily ritual. See and feel and hold this light within. Focus on any heavy thoughts or pain. Allow the light to disperse any blockage you are aware of and let it transform into coloured sparkles Feel the heaviness of pain or negativity erupt into rays of sunshine. Know that healing is taking place. Feel the heaviness being taken. Know that transformation is taking place. The image of your minds is hugely powerful and if you can harness it in this way you will benefit so much.
Think of how powerful the sun is The glory of its light to touch every living thing. The healing power it contains.
Think of love speeding through your veins healing your body.
This message brings this love today and all days.
I leave you dear ones with this image for healing. For strength and renewal. For yourselves and for you to spread to others.
We know that there is much heaviness and negativity and hope this small imagery helps your journey in all ways.
As always beloveds we are humble in our gratitude for all that you do. For your service to spirit. For all that you give to others.
All is seen. All is heard. All is understood.
With blessings for all who read this I leave you now.
In love
Sister Miriam
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