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Reincarnation is one of those “touchy” subjects which people either believe in or dismiss as a “load of rubbish.” I have read that even in the next world it is a subject of controversy — and you would think they would know! Silver Birch, the famous spirit guide who gave us such wonderful messages through his medium Maurice Barbanell firmly believed in reincarnation but Maurice did not.
Well I do believe in reincarnation for two reasons:-
1) It makes sense to me as one life is not sufficient to learn, do and experience all I would like.
If I lived to be 100 I would never be able to read all the books I want to read, study all the subjects I would like to learn, take up all the hobbies I would like to try my hand at, visit all the countries of the world, learn to speak different languages, try out all the different careers there are. Oh no — don’t speak to me about “having only one life!”
2) There is far too much evidence supporting reincarnation and I cannot ignore all this published material.
Many of you will have heard of Edgar Cayce, known as “The Sleeping Prophet.” If you have not — then read the book! People consulted him about problems in their lives and he would lie down, go into a deep trance from which he would speak and give advice. Many of their problems resulted from past life experiences. Silver Birch explains reincarnation by saying that your soul is like a diamond. Now diamonds are cut and polished to give them many different sides (or facets) to enhance their beauty. Silver Birch says our soul is like this and we must have different facets polished up to perfect our soul growth. The doctrine of reincarnation has also been described as God’s way of leaving the door open for each and every one of us to progress to perfection.
Many people believe that if you have sinned in a previous life that you have to return to expunge these sins in a future life. This is often referred to as “Karma” which is the Law of Cause and Effect. This is very similar to the Christian concept of “What ye sow so shall ye surely reap” and is another reason why we should try and live a good life. However Silver Birch says “It is not always a question of punishment but of evolution, of a task to be learned, of another link to be forged in the chain of the soul’s education and upliftment. Reincarnation does not always mean that you are to be punished. It often means that there are gaps to be filled. Sometimes they are chastening ones and sometimes they are lessons that have not been learned.” All my life I have had a thirst for knowledge. All I have ever wanted to do is to learn and learn. Did I in a past existence live an utterly shallow, useless, wasteful life? Have I returned to the earth plane to make up for all this? The career I followed in this life was that of a librarian where I have been surrounded by books of knowledge. Was this just a coincidence? I believe that when you are re-born into this world it will be into a certain culture, background, race or nationality where you will have a chance to learn and experience things your soul needs for its progress in the next world.
So — yes, I do believe in reincarnation but no — I don’t want to know about my past lives! Every life is full enough without constantly looking back over our shoulder to a previous one. I believe that when we go to the next world we will see our past lives and understand why we had to go through certain experiences in the life we have just lived. Perhaps you have to reincarnate with the very people you had problems with in a past life and you must try and resolve these problems this time around. This could explain why we take instant “likes” or “dislikes” to people we meet and why we feel an affinity to certain places or subjects. It could explain child geniuses and why we are born with certain talents or gifts. I believe that re-incarnation explains why some people are born into comfortable circumstances and others are born into poverty, why some are born healthy and others have disabilities, why some are clever and others have learning difficulties. Maybe we have to experience all these different circumstances to perfect our soul. It is up to you whether you believe or disbelieve in reincarnation. Remember that God gave you a mind and powers of reasoning. Do not be swayed by the opinions of others but think things out for yourself. But — just in case it is all true — LIVE A GOOD LIFE!
If you would like to know more about my thoughts on Spiritualism then read my book “Why I am a Spiritualist. For a free copy, email me with your address.
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