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This cover was given
to me in meditation
How many times have you woken from a dream with a sense that you had just been having a conversation with someone and you cannot recall who? It seemed so real, ah but alas it was only a dream. Since beginning meditation I am increasingly becoming aware of more and more visits or conversations with beings on the "other side" of the veil.
This cover was given to me in meditation
I have at times seen distinct patterns between my "visits" and so I started to journal them. I strongly suggest that you try it yourselves as this is a wonderful tool in which we can increase awareness that is brought to us by others who have walked the path before us.
For example, recently I was working on a project, as I am a professional designer. I was creating a cover and the thumbnails and comps were really not hitting the mark so to say... It was a cover for an archival comic strip known as Flash Gordon.
Here is my journal entry:
Feb. 4, 2011 - Meditation: I stir and decide to meditate as I am not completely awake and I decide to just enjoy the silence of my mind and accept whatever message my guides have for me today.
"Constellation" comes to me.
Huh? constellation?
"Star charts use the universe." I thank my guides and wake with what just happened slowly filtering through. Oh man...the missing element in my Flash Gordon Cover.
I was particularly happy with the results as Volumes 2, 3, 4 were given to me as well, and are all completed way ahead of schedule. Not all of the meditation experiences come through in this way. I think for many there are moments you come away from it with an overall feeling of peace of mind. If you continue this practice daily you will even begin to feel that you are aligning yourself to the universe. You have a love for your planet and all of those existing in it. Yes, I can see the changes in my own life. I cannot squash a bug!
Here is another journal entry:
Feb. 13, 2011 - Meditation: I had what seemed like a meeting with spiritual entities--I am not sure who they were as it was as if I knew all of them. Upon saying goodbye I was reminded over and over again to remember what they had told me. I was kinda miffed and said --ok, ok I'll remember this--chill all of you....relax...I'll remember
then as I lay in my bed I reflected...who were they? It seemed a cozy room, big overstuffed furniture a fire in a large hearth. They were impressing upon me this truth.
We all need to "let go"of any feelings we have of people who have wronged us. In other words the mind shift of letting go of the pain and hurt is extremely important. I have had occasions in this life to confront people who have harmed me and I have faced them--they were saying that this took and enormous courage on my part to face my enemies or people that meant me harm, but even had I NOT faced them, the "letting go" of the negative thoughts I had towards them was AS important. This, they said was what I need to include in my writing. Many people cannot for one reason or another confront people (maybe they have passed, etc) but that it's ok--it has to be a "letting go" in a mental thought. It will raise our vibration.
And so I will continue writing and sharing these messages that are being brought to me through meditation as I truly feel that they were given to be shared.
To learn how you can meditate all alone without any CDs or books please read my blog "Meditation a Path to Healing."
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