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To the uninitiated the very thought of speaking to a room full of people can and has been a terrifying thought. Back in 1987 Ide just left development circle and was booked to talk and demonstrate mediumship at a Spiritualist Church that shall remain nameless, my 1st solo flight, after being a fledgling before, i remember I was filled with self doubt, trepidation and basic fear, I could feel the beads of sweat trickling off of my forhead.....The church had a very high platform that overlooked the audience.....Nervous, and shaking from the inside out I managed to get on the platform, the church was quite packed, here I was a young new medium who theyd never seen before....they staredat me with expectations, I stared back in anticipation. The evening started well, lovely opening prayer.....My Spirit Guide spoke about the Master Jesus and his influence on all things spiritual, seemed to be well recieved. We came to the Mediumship demonstration, there was a sweet old lady sitting in the front row with her daughter, spirit guided me to her, no matter how loud I raised my voice she couldnt hear me, I rember thinking to myself is her hearing aid turned on? after a few unsuccesful attempts she blurted out " His no good is he? " well, at that point I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. The rest of the evening seemed to go well, good spirit links, evidential messages were given to the recipients, the dem came to its conclusion and we went to the mediumsroom for tea and biscuits, well, oncethe door closed this chair person who also happened to be the president of the Church started ranting and pointing his finger at me, " We dont speak about Jesus in this Church, its not part of our organisations belief." I explained thats what Spirit wanted to talk about, I left with my tail between my legs, that wasmy intoduction to the world of public speaking, over the years I have tweeked my presentation into amore audible way and now feel more comfortable when ever I step on a public platform.
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