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Its a full moon on 19th January ... and quite a wonderful one at that. I feel the energies are particularly interesting at the moment (but to be fair when aren't they these days). You may find that you will experience this full moon as a bit of an emotional one, but at the same time it will also be one of powerful light energy coming our way. Use this energy and meditate and celebrate the amazing platinum glow it gives us.
Especially as its been like a bit of a challenging time for many of us who have signed up for a life of conscious awakening and development. Many have had lots of almost backwards steps it would feel, but all has been to put us in the right place for what is to come, and they are still very much occuring, but the word on the street, or in the universe is that more support is arriving, new and radiant light energy is heading our way, and I for one and many of my likeminded friends agree, that 2011 is going to be a magical year for many wonderful and supportive reasons.
I personally felt like 2010 was a preparation for many in a deeper sense of personal growth, and in my case I felt it helped me to come to living a more authentic truthful existence, not that I am aiming to lie to myself or others, I just feel I really am walking my talk more, and listening to my own heart and conscience, acting from it, making choices I never thought I once would (or could), and have also become more aware of things that were once unconscious to me.
With other tests and challenges I experienced I felt it was a good bit of schooling to handling what 2011 is going to bring, and I feel certain for you too, that with each piece of enlightenment that occurs, its as if you can better handle life and its situations as they now flow into your experience, as you have got through some major difficult times too.
My intentions are still to develop my own sense of living my purpose, feeling that what I am doing has meaning and allowing myself to fully embrace the path before me, trusting in something far greater than me, and acting more from divine inspiration and intuiton.
You see in 2010 I chose to live a life of selfless service, although I confess I am still working through what this really means for me (and in my life to come, each day will present itself with ways in which selfless service shows up and how I choose to fufil that).
It has already produced some interesting and often very beautiful experiences, and even though I know not what lies ahead, as much as I still have my dreams, hopes and intentions, I really am putting my life in service to being where I feel I need to be, going with the flow, and being willing, being open, being available.
And that is the message I leave with you. That if you are to be anything this year it is to realise that through you and as you, you can allow for source to co-create and experience itself as your life, doing divine service, and if you let go, surrender and trust, being available, open and willing ... then I believe more miracles, amazing connections, and wonderful experiences are bound to come forth, because we are part of the miracle to wonderful things happening.
However its answering that call in your heart, listening to your soul song and living as much from your truth as you can .... always ..... ALWAYS, with love as the core to your thoughts, actions, intentions and decisions.
You see the consciousness of love is the vibration of the divine, and you are divine, you are amazing, you are so powerful as to be able to change the world. The time is now, it always has been to be fair, but I invite you to embrace the now with love and intentions to live your life from that more in 2011 and beyond, and I believe there are miracles due and abound which will quite possibly take your breath away.
I wish you joy and love and abunant blessings.
Sarah xxx
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