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Divine Jest
If one were to say that Rasputin was a secret agent working for the Bolsheviks, with the express aim of undermining the Romanovs – Russian royal family – and Tsarism, then it wouldn’t be true.
And yet if such a spy had existed, then they couldn’t have done a better job.
Grigori Yefimovich was a sixth planer i.e. almost at the gates of God Realisation.
Yet loneliness and a-loneness dominated his life. He felt so far away from his own divinity for most of his life, lost and adrift in the sea of humanity.
Sometimes closing the final 1% to God, can be almost infinitely harder than the preceding 99%.
Born of peasant stock in the small village of Pokrovskoye in Tyumen Oblast, Western Siberia, Rasputin witnessed both of his siblings die at a young age.
As sweet chance would have it when Tsar Nicholas II abdicated, Nicholas and his royal family were exiled to Siberia passing through Pokrovskoye en-route, thereby fulfilling one of Rasputin’s prophecies.
Rasputin had led previous lives as ascetic, fakir, mystic, yogi to get to the level that he was at. They also explain some of the abilities attributed to him as ‘Father Grigori’, and the impetus behind his movements after he left Verkhoturye.
Few would have guessed at the profound impact that this ex-yogi would have on 20th Century European history
Nor the #1 hit record harmonised by Boney M.
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