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Tomorrow's Full Moon falls on a number "7" day which has a high spiritual vibrancy. These is one of those stand alone number days aligned with the lunar calendar which can be interesting energy wise. What will be compelling is the need to break free from the norm and to be more "individual" in your approach. A word of warning through, as this could lead to fractious relationships and situations.
Plan and do your leg work before acting as there is a tendency to be reckless at times when these sort of days appear in our lives. Nothing to worry about, just double check everything and think things through before acting.
The Full Moon falls on 5.10.2017 which if we added the numbers up, 5+1+0+2+0+1+7= 16, totals to the number 7. Seven brings solid foundations, spiritual pursuits and a hunger to learn more about your personal direction and universal energy. Most of us will find that we want to "shine" and be heard not just seen. This is the time to step out of the shadows and be true to yourself.
The lunar energy of 2017 has so far been pushing and prodding us to get to this point where we can let go of fear and to stop being comfortable in the shadow aspect of our personality. The time has come, with the help of the universe, Spirit and the powers that may be to step forward and be counted.
*If you have been feeling a little spaced out or like you are about to get a cold but never does happen, then listen up. This means that you may have a number of things on your mind, and struggling to focus on one productive thought or project which could push you forward. Decision making is not your strongest point and you are likely to be led rather to lead. Tomorrow's energy will nudge you out of your comfort zone and force you to make a decision. So take charge, put everything on paper and go through the list and let your intuition guide you.
*The other physical symptom some of us have been experiencing and which is rather common during the lunar cycle is headaches. Our natural instinct, consciously or unconsciously in the face of change, is to resist. The lunar energy will be draining as it will be using up energy from within our physical body. This reduces our water content and causes us to be dehydrated, which we know leads to headaches and imbalance. It is always a good idea to increase our intake of filtered warm or room temperature water close to the New or Full moon. Lunar cycles enhance our ability to detox and rid ourselves of limiting believes and the shadow, which inevitably will cause our body to detox as well. Water will accelerate the process and flush everything out. The more spiritual rationale for headaches close to a lunar cycle is resistance and mental conflict. It is likely that you are over thinking something and putting a considerable amount of stress on yourself for no

Guidance by Angela Mitchell
reason other than to want "perfection". You are likely someone who feels they "have to" rather than "want to" therefore piling on the stress to be everything to everyone. The more you left go of this need to be perfect, the headaches will ease this week and you will find clarity and determination.
Over arching Spiritual Message for Oct 5th Full Moon
The message for this full moon cuts deep into our core, the essence of who we are and where we want to go. If you act on your feelings, learn from it and use this guide then transformation is possible. There is a call now to stand up in your own two feet, to be an individual rather than to hide behind others. The time is ripe for you to take charge of your life and your career. You CAN do it on your own.
Leap of Faith An original acrylic painting by Angela Mitchell
The energy is particularly powerful and can, often be life changing if tapped into properly. Stop hesitating and use your practical and sensible self to clearly etch out a plan. Big yourself up at work and stand out!
This is also the time to put yourself FIRST. Bump yourself up on the list of priorities and make yourself the VIP of your own life. Stop running around for others. Look after yourself, be kind to yourself and be there for YOU. So go book a spa day, treat yourself to a nice lunch, create space in the house for your hobby, spend some time on your own, go out and have fun or even just get your hair done! Do all the things you have put off because you don't have time, money or that others need it more.
The Hunter's Moon appears on our skies earlier than regular full moons which means the dusky sky is illuminated brilliantly by the full moon (weather permitting!) which gave the Native Americans in ancient times, more time to hunt. This is the signal for the winter preparation. This means in our modern times, that we are given a unique opportunity to take a leap of faith and to be true to ourselves. The bright light of the moon will illuminate our shadow self to transform and learn. Tomorrow's moon will give you the strength and conviction to step up and let the light shine on you for once.
Take advantage of this gift from the universe and do the full moon ritual to accelerate the energy right now. Follow the steps on the guide here or if you want an in depth explanation on how to cleanse your crystals, smudge the house and to write your wishlist then read my complete moon ritual guide here.
Please feel free to share this guidance with family and friends. I love hearing from you so please do leave a comment if this resonates with you.
Happy full Moon
x Angela
* Obviously with any symptom, you must first ensure that there is no underlying medical reason. This is not a substitute for professional medical advice.
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