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Its Natures way to ascend
“Dear soul, please can you tell me what the New Year; and the whole of 2010 has in store, for us, here in this country, as well as for the world as a whole?”
“Dear child of mine, of course I can tell you. Firstly, the country in which you live is going to enter great and lasting changes. Though to a great many, it would appearto be of a ’negative’ nature, in reality it will be known of as a year of repid expansion of the soulistic qualities, coming from those who inhabit this country - as a consequence of the Soul’s expansion so it is that the lower - self (the physical self’s structure) will be in the process of becoming under pressure temporarily, as the lighter energies enter into the atoms and molecules making up that structure.
It will be a challenging time for the physical self, as it strives to maintain a balance amid the change coming upon it from the higher consciousness entering in. It will be noticed that, during this time several measures will be introduced in an attempt to bring the changes into direct alignment with the earthly & man-made rules of living the life. This in itself will put the Soul under great pressure, for it will be naturally wanting to add to the progression of existence within earth, along the route of the Natural Way; which comes from the Original Concept; but will find this to be an impossibility. This then, will be the cause forso much of the break-up of the Mental Body, and which will undoubtedly bring great stress to many. However, the word ‘temporarily’ has been used already; and, although it will seem to be of a lasting nature, it will all calm down as the Higher Self expands to overtake the actions of these material restraints. - It must be stressed here and now, that this will be a most natural occurrence, and there will be no danger to the lower consciousness whatsoever. - Indeed, once the sufficient quantity of the Higher Consciousness can be calculated by the Spiritual-Scientists, it will clearly be seen to be of great and lasting benefit to all - even if this knowledge be withheld from the public domain.
All of the preceding information can be transferred into the Global picture, and much chaos will ensue for a period of time - in fact it has already begun.
The Higher Self of every single species ;as well as Mother Earth Herself will play its part in this expansive process. So, all will be undergoing the same experiences, at the same time; which will bring in the understanding proper, of this Global ‘One World Order’ put in place by those whose understandings remain on the level of the lower consciousness; and will be seen to be playing their part in the transformation from one level of consciousness of the planet, and onto the next.
All is as it should be. Balance throughout the entire process is what should and must be prayed for, by all who are able.
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